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This is a cloth simulation for  a SCAD senior film called Heartstrings. Responsible for shirt, belt, and skirt. 

There is a sim cage, sim cage ref, and the actual clothing rendermesh all using Maya's Ncloth. 

Responsible for both cloth simulations. Fixed the male cloth simulations so the clothing doesn't immediately break. I was also able to get the cloth not to be jittery. Something that was also discussed was how loose the jacket became on the male, so I was able to put a delta mesh on the cloth to lessen some of the wrinkles. The female character behaved beautifully, All i had to do was just blendshape the simmed shirt to the rig shirt and paint back some of the fine wrinkles. Over all such a fun scene to simulate.

Responsible for both cloth simulations. Working on this particular scene was the highlight of my senior year at college. I love that this wasn't a easy going scene and that it provided some practice to get perfect. The male character was a fun job because I had to carve out parts of his body to make room for the cloth. While that sounds pretty odd, I had to push in both the sides of his stomach to make room for the female character and I also had to push in his arms a bit to let the cloth breath more. To make the cloth more stiff I delta mushed the jacket and blend shaped the rigged cloth to the simmed cloth and had painted in some of the wrinkles. 

This scene was fun to work on simply because you can see the beautiful wrinkles going on. You can sense the heaviness of the fabric and tell that the fabric isn't silky, but more on a linen type of fabric. 

The clothing for this shot was relatively simple and didn't bring up any particular issues. 

This sequence of scenes were fun because you had different close up views of the cloth. What was difficult about these scenes was that when blend shaping the cloth back to the original rigged shirt the collar had a tendency to have the back faces poking through  the front of the collar. We had a tool called a soft mod that allowed us to fix the issue that was caused by the collar bone control being animated to extremely. We also get to see a close up of the hair simulation in the final scene which is nice because the hair itself is a cloth simulation and not traditional hair. 

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